I had a flashback that I had been blessed in the womb by R'Shlomo Carlebach (z"l), so I texted my mom and asked her if it was true.
She replied:
Yes. We knew a MD in Toronto whose sister married him. We went to the MD's son's bar mitzvah. I was pregnant with you at the time. He put his hands on my abdomen and uttered a blessing like it was what he was supposed to do. Did not even ask if he could touch me. He was very charismatic. Me: Lol. I went to hoshanah rabah at his shul w/abba when I was little. It was long. Lots of singing (holy holy, then the part w/whacking the hoshanos). Circles.
Eema: He was like that. Great melodies, records. He was the Jewish (Pete) Seeger of the '70s.
Me: Yeah, I have your records.
Eema: Can you make me a CD?So I told her I could buy her one (my records are in boxes and my stereos aren't hooked up to my computer) and how to find videos of him on youtube, and she requested I pick one up for her of his stuff from the '70s. Cool.
My mom has some spark (she went through a lot of hell) left in her. I'm happy to reunite her with that. Music is a healer, and it makes people happy. She deserves all the happiness in the world.
I remember meeting Reb Shlomo w/my dad, at at least one point. He was as she described ... charismatic. Good times.
Posting 'cause I'm not currently keeping a notebook, and this is the sort of story of which I don't want to forget the details. I wonder what kind of bracha you make on a growing baby? Regular Friday night blessing, I'd imagine, for both genders, since in the womb.
As a victim of abuse at the hands of a priest I can tell you that some 40 years after being molested I struggled with taking my own life. If it not for being a father an not wanting to leave a legacy of suicide i probably would have followed through.Today the laws are such most victims of abuse will never have a chance to confront their abusers or seek justice. these predators are protected by statue of limitaion laws.There is a bill before NY legislature to change this so childood victims have an opportu ity to seek justice. Both the catholic church and the majority of the Jewish communities leadership have fought to strike down this bill.